List of profanities in the Romanian language
- balcon( plural “balcoane”): a woman’s breasts (literally “balconies”)
- bulan: roughly equivalent to “dumb luck” but it can also mean a woman’s thigh the word “burlan”(meaning water drainage pipe) is also used
- a bulăni: to touch or caress a woman’s thighs (is considered offensive by some women unless they agree to it and can result in charges of sexual harassment)
- bulangiu: Male homosexual, roughly the equivalent of “fag”. Also used for a man who doesn’t want to do something that the one who calls him as such thinks he should do(roughly equivalent to “dork”, “dick”, “hater”).
- coi, coaie: testicles from the latin cōleus, cōleī. The word “coaie” can also be used as a means of addressing someone especially a young man(never a girl or woman) in a manner roughly equivalent to using “dude” or “mate” in English speaking countries, for example “Salut, coaie, ce faci?” means “Hi, balls, how are you doing?”. Most young people see nothing wrong in being addressed in this manner whilst older people might be offended.
- mânca-mi-ai coaiele: literally “eat my balls”
- buci: ass cheeks.
- floci: pubic hairs.
- pulă: dick, penis.
- puţă: a softer version of ‘pulă’ usually meaning the penis of a child (that hasn’t reached puberty yet) or a very small penis. Other words for this include ‘cocoş’ (literally ‘cock’), ‘cocoşel’ (literally ‘little cock’) or ‘puţulică’ (little ‘puţă’).
- puţoi: the possesor of a ‘puţă’; it is used as an insult and is roughly equivalent to “punk” as in a boy that is not mature yet
- pizdă: vagina, pussy (can also be ‘păsărica’ – literally, little bird). This can also mean anything that is ‘cool’, good or nice as in: “Masina asta noua e pizdă, frate.” meaning “This new car is cool, bro” whereas “pulă” is sometimes used to describe “uncool” things as in: “Masina asta veche e pulă” meaning “This old car is uncool” although this is less common.
- pizdar: a womanizer, someone who is obsessed with women, “chases skirts” (also “afemeiat”, “fustangiu”).
- du-te în pizda mă-tii: “Go back to your mother’s pussy”
- du-te în pula mea: “Go inside my dick”
- da-te în gatu’ mă-tii: “Go inside your mother’s throat”
- du-te în ma-ta: “Go back inside your mother”
- Te bag în origini (te întorc la origini): literally “I’ll make you return to your origins” meaning the mother’s womb
- (la) naiba: roughly equivalent to “damn”
- (la) dracu’: the devil (from the latin “draco” meaning devil)
- du-te la dracu’: go to hell, literally “go to the devil” also “du-te dracului”
- mama dracului: “mother of the devil” used the same as “shit” in English when something goes wrong, “căcat” the Romanian word for shit can also be used in the same way and “baga-mi-aş pula” too
- dracu’ să te ia: “the devil should take you”
- să fii al dracului: “you should belong to the devil”
- al dracului să fiu: roughly equivalent to “I’ll be damned”
- sloboz: roughly equivalent to “cum” (sperm)
- lindic: clitoris (‘clitoris’ is also used in regular language), coming from the latin landīca
- căcat: shit
- tărzănel (plural tărzănei): small accumulations of dried fecal matter attached to the hairs in a person’s rectum
- mănânci căcat: literally “you eat shit” roughly equivalent to “talk shit” in English
- căcare: shit as in “to take a shit” from the latin word “cacāre” meaning to defecate
- mă cac pe tine: I shit on you
- laba: masturbation (literally “paw”)
- lăbar, labagiu: a person that masturbates himself (“jerk-off”)
- cur: ass
- popou: ass
- găoaza: asshole (literally “hole”)
- ochiul maro: ass hole (literally “the brown eye”)
- poponar, găozar: ass-fucker, faggot
- a o pune: to have sexual intercourse (literally “to put it”)
- a şi-o trage: to have sexual intercourse (literally “to pull it”)
- a da în geanta: to have sexual intercourse (literally “to hit the purse”)
- a baga mielu’ la căldură: to have sexual intercourse (literally “to take the lamb somewhere warm”)
- a o lua in mana: to masturbate(literally “to grab it with the hand”)
- a face degetica: to masturbate(only used if a woman does it)
- a (se) fute: to have sexual intercourse(from the latin “futuere”). The word can be used in a number of ways for example if one asks if a young female “se fute” this means he actually inquires if she has had sex before or if she is open to the idea.
- nu ma fute, nu te fute cu mine: don’t fuck with me
- te fut in gura: I fuck your mouth(also “futu-te-n gura” and “ti-o dau sus”)
- te fut in cur: I fuck your ass
- esti futut in cur: you are “high and mighty”(literally “you are fucked in your ass”
- futai, futere: sexual intercourse
- sugi pula: probably the most used Romanian profanity, it literally means “suck cock”; direct translation: “blow me”
- ia pula: an alternative to “sugi pula”, it literally means “take dick”
- muie: blowjob, oral sex(“muie” comes from “muian” which is an old Romanian word for “face” still used in some rural areas although “fata” is now used the most
- iti dau la muie: another way of saying “I fuck your mouth”
- Ia la muie!: “Get fucked in the mouth!”
- a arata muie: showing the middle finger pointing upwards roughly equivalent to “flipping the bird” in English
- Manca-mi-ai pula!: “Eat my dick!”
- Manca-mi-ai pizda!: “Eat my pussy!”
- Manca-mi-ai chilotii!: “Eat my shorts!”
- Manca-mi-ai curu’!: “Eat my ass!”
- Manca-mi-ai cacatu’!: “Eat my shit!”
- Manca-mi-ai strinfii!: “Eat my socks!”
- Imi bag pula in ma-ta!: “I stick my dick inside your mother!”
- Imi bag pula in tine!: “I stick my dick inside you!”
- Baga-mi-as pula in tine!: “I should stick my dick inside you!”
- Baga-mi-as pula in ma-ta!: “I should stick my dick inside your mother!”
- caca: children’s word for shit
- pipi: children’s word for piss
- pisat: piss
- Ti-o dau la caca!: “I fuck your ass!”
- A da nămolul la deal!: literally meaning “to push the mud uphill” means “to fuck in the ass”
- Ma pis pe tine(pe voi)!: “I piss on you!”
- curva: prostitute also ‘tarfa’, ‘traseista’, ‘muista'(mostly used to denote prostitutes that agree to have oral sex as well), ‘bagaboanta’,T.C.M
- a face trotoarul: literally meaning ‘doing the sidewalk’ means prostituting one’s self(because prostitutes often stand on sidewalks while attempting to attract potential customers. A similar expression is ‘a vinde pizda’ which literally means “selling pussy”. In regular language “a se prostitua”, “to prostitute one’s self” is used.
- a codosi: to pimp someone
- peste: pimp(literally fish)
- Esti becali?: Are you stupid?
- Sa ma sugi: “Suck me”
- trageti-as la beregata: I fuck your throat(also “futu-te-n gat”)
- a fura crenvursti cu curu: To steal wurstel with your ass.
- sa-ti dau sub coada: I’ll give it to you under your tail.
- sugi pula cu curu: Suck my dick with your ass.
- sa ma cac la usa ma-ti: I’ll take a shit at your mother’s door.
- sa ma cac pe pula ta: I’ll shit on your dick.
- cur murdar: Dirty ass.
- cacat cu ochi: Shit with eyes.
- cacanar imputit: Stinky shitter.
- nenorocitule: Motherfucker.
- SMS: “Suck me!” (a.k.a. “sa ma sugi”)
- PLM: “My dick!” (a.k.a. “pula mea”)
- STF: “Fuck you!” (a.k.a. “sa te fut”)
- MMS: “your mother blow me!” ( a.k.a. “mă-ta mă suge”)
- IP : “Take dick!” (a.k.a. “IA PULA”)
List of profanities in the Romanian language that some might consider blasphemies
- futu-ti soarele ma-tii: literally “fuck your mother’s sun”. It isn’t usually considered a blasphemy as the sun is no longer worshiped in mainstream Romanian religion but in a distant past it might have been.
- futu-ti mortii ma-tii: literally “fuck your mother’s dead relatives” it is a very common profanity in Romania although some people may consider it a blasphemy as it means disrespect for the dead.
- futu-ti mortii tai: literally “fuck your dead relatives” it is a common profanity in Romania although some people may consider it a blasphemy as it means disrespect for the dead. Can also be stated as “luati-as mortii in pula” meaning “I should take all your dead relatives in my dick”
- PULA MEA! : litterally “my cock”. Three out of four words contains this profanity
muie = suck my dick
- Taraime-ash pulile prin colibele lui mata : I would drag my dick trough your mother’s dwellings
- Cacam-as in pizda matii cu bucati de pula : I would shit in your mother’s pussy with pieces of dick
- Du-te in pizda ma-tii, cu curu inainte, sa-ti dau si o muie cand o fut pe ma-ta: Go in your
mother’s pussy, ass forward, so you can blow me while I fuck her
- Sa-ti sparg rozeta : literally: “To brake your rose” meaning “To fuck you in the ass”
- Sa te fut in inima : Fuck you in your heart
- Sa ne bata vantu-n coaie: To blow the wind into your balls
- La pizdoiu cat galeata : To the pussy big as a bucket
- Ma suii pe curu` Lelii : I climbed Leli’s ass
- Pula mea de alta data : My dick from times
- Sa ma fut pe ochii matii :Fuck your mama’s eyes