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Click above to enlargeI always appreciate an interesting design concept when it comes to handbags. And that is precisely what you get from the Chanel Take Away Box Bag, a mixture of culture and whimsical fun with one of the bags from the Chanel Shanghai accessories collection. Clearly inspired by Chinese take-away boxes, this handbag is made with metallic fabric and finished off with a classic leather and metal chain strap. For Chanel bags, this is a very different look. I picture it perfectly on Carrie Bradshaw. While this isn’t the exact bag I would purchase, I completely appreciate the design and idea behind it. But after inquiring I found out the bag is sold out. Price was $7 ,500 (info via Chanel).What do you think of the Chanel Take Away Box Bag?P.S. Please consider supporting our small, bag-loving team by clicking our links before shopping or checking out at your favorite online retailers like Amazon,Neiman Marcus replica bags ,Nordstrom,or any of the listed partners on our shop page. We truly appreciate your support!
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