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At 47-years-old, Jennifer Aniston is among Hollywood’s ageless, with a bod(and face) that looksthe same as itdid in her 20s. Maintaining that requiresa very disciplined diet and workout routine—oneJennifer broke downfor Harper’s Bazaar’s April issue.Jen works out five days a week, and each session is a combination of cardio and stretches. “[I do] a 15-minute-quad thing. I do 15 on the elliptical, 15 Spinning, then I do 15 run. And then I do portions of the Body by Simone DVD for floor work. It’s so freakin’ hard, it’s unbelievable.” – Continue Reading BelowGetty ImagesJen also followsa very clean diet: She avoidssugar (her major indulgences aremargaritas and guacamole), and her regular lunch consists of “a salad with protein” or a chicken burger wrapped in lettuce.The payoff isbeingat her peak: “I feel better in my 40s,” she says.”Not only do you feel better in your body physically, but you’re mentally better. Because, say, in your 20s, you didn’t know shit. For me, in my 30s I was just trying to figure it all out. Then when you hit 40 asandria , you’re like wholesale handbags china , ‘Oh, okay. I got this.’ There are women who’ve hit 50 who are stunners, like shocking. We just take better care of ourselves.”Camilla Akrans”I had somebody say to me, ‘Women these days in their 40s look pretty good!'” Jen shakes her head. “And this was a much older person. I mean, who says that?”
Jennifer Aniston's Diet and Fitness Routine – Jennifer Aniston Harper's Bazaar April 2016 Interview
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