Filmele “Babel”, “The Departed”, “Letters from Iwo Jima”, “Little Miss Sunshine” si “The Queen” concureaza la Oscarul pentru cel mai bun film, potrivit site-ului

Filmul “Dreamgirls” produs de Bill Condon a fost selectionat la opt categorii pentru Oscar 2007, dar a fost omis de la categoria cel mai bun film.

Premiile vor fi decernate pe 25 februarie, la Kodak Theatre din Los Angeles, a anuntat marti Academia Americana de Film.

“Babel” este regizat de Alejandro Gonzalez Innaritu, “The Departed” – de Martin Scorsese, “Letters from Iwo Jima” – de Clint Eastwood, “Little Miss Sunshine” – de Jonathan Dayton si Valerie Faris, iar “The Queen” – de Stephen Frears.

Filmul “Indigenes” realizat de Rachid Bouchared a fost selectionat pentru Oscar-ul la categoria cel mai bun film strain.

Lista nominalizarilor la cele mai importate categorii:

Cel mai bun film al anului
The Departed
The Queen
Letters From Iwo Jima
Little Miss Sunshine

Cea mai buna actrita in rol principal
Meryl Streep, “The Devil Wears Prada”
Helen Mirren, “The Queen “
Penelope Cruz, “Volver”
Kate Winslet, “Little Children”
Judi Dench, “Notes on a Scandal”

Cel mai bun actor in rol principal
Leonardo DiCaprio, “Blood Diamond”
Forest Whitaker, “The Last King of Scotland”
Will Smith, “The Pursuit of Happyness”
Peter O’Toole, “Venus”
Ryan Gosling, “Half Nelson”

Cea mai buna actrita in rol secundar
Adriana Barraza, “Babel”
Cate Blanchett, “Notes on a Scandal”
Abigail Breslin, “Little Miss Sunshine”
Jennifer Hudson, “Dreamgirls”
Rinko Kikuchi, “Babel”

Cel mai bun actor in rol secundar
Alan Arkin, “Little Miss Sunshine”
Eddie Murphy, “Dreamgirls”
Mark Wahlberg, “The Departed”
Djimon Hounsou, “Blood Diamond”
Jackie Earle Haley, “Little Children”

Cel mai bun regizor
Clint Eastwood, “Letters From Iwo Jima”
Paul Greengrass, “United 93”
Martin Scorsese, “The Departed”
Stephen Frears, “The Queen”
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, “Babel”

Cel mai bun scenariu original
Guillermo Arriaga, “Babel”
Michael Arndt, “Little Miss Sunshine”
Iris Yamashita & Paul Haggis, “Letters From Iwo Jima”
Guillermo del Toro, “Pan’s Labyrinth”
Peter Morgan, “The Queen”

Cel mai bun scenariu adaptat
Patrick Marber , “Notes on a Scandal”
William Monahan, “The Departed”
Sacha Baron Cohen, “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan”
Todd Field & Tom Perrotta, “Little Children”
Alfonso Cuarn, “Children of Men”

Cel mai bun lungmetraj animat
Happy Feet
Monster House

Cel mai bun scurtmetraj animat
The Danish Poet, Torill Kove
Lifted, Gary Rydstrom
The Little Matchgirl, Roger Allers and Don Hahn
Maestro, Geza M. Toth
No Time for Nuts Chris Renaud and Michael Thurmeier

Cel mai bun documentar
Deliver Us from Evil, Amy Berg and Frank Donner
An Inconvenient Truth, Davis Guggenheim
Iraq in Fragments, James Longley and John Sinno
Jesus Camp, Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady
My Country, My Country, Laura Poitras and Jocelyn Glatzer

Cea mai buna imagine
Vilmos Zsigmond, The Black Dahlia
Emmanuel Lubezki , Children of Men
Dick Pope , The Illusionist
Guillermo Navarro, Pan’s Labyrinth
Wally Pfister, The Prestige

Cel mai bun film strain
After the Wedding
Days of Glory (Indigenes)
The Lives Of Others
Pan’s Labyrinth

Cel mai bun scurt metraj
The Blood of Yingzhou District, Ruby Yang and Thomas Lennon
Recycled Life, Leslie Iwerks and Mike Glad
Rehearsing a Dream, Karen Goodman and Kirk Simon
Two Hands, Nathaniel Kahn and Susan Rose Behr

Cele mai bune efecte vizuale
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, John Knoll, Hal Hickel, Charles Gibson and Allen Hall
Poseidon Boyd Shermis, Kim Libreri, Chaz Jarrett and John Frazier
Superman Returns Mark Stetson, Neil Corbould, Richard R. Hoover and Jon Thum

Cea mai buna coloana sonora
Babel, Gustavo Santaolalla
The Good German, Thomas Newman
Notes on a Scandal, Philip Glass
Pan’s Labyrinth, Javier Navarrete
The Queen, Alexandre Desplat

Cea mai buna tema muzicala
I Need to Wake Up din An Inconvenient Truth, muzica si text de Melissa Etheridge
Listen din Dreamgirls, Muzica de Henry Krieger si Scott Cutler; versuri de Anne Preven
Love You I Do din Dreamgirls, Muzica de Henry Krieger; versuri de Siedah Garrett
Our Town from Cars, Muzica si versuri de Randy Newman

Cel mai bun mixaj de sunet
Apocalypto, Kevin O’Connell, Greg P. Russell and Fernando Camara
Blood Diamond, Andy Nelson, Anna Behlmer and Ivan Sharrock
Dreamgirls, Michael Minkler, Bob Beemer and Willie Burton

Cel mai bun machiaj
Apocalypto, Aldo Signoretti and Vittorio Sodano
Click, Kazuhiro Tsuji and Bill Corso
Pan’s Labyrinth, David Marti and Montse Ribe, 23 ian 2007

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