Intel si-a schimbat identitatea, renuntand la vechiul logo creat acum 37 de ani, dorind să arate lumii că a progresat foarte mult şi că este pregatit pentru noi domenii (mobile, digital home, enterprise and health) în afara de fabricarea de microprocesoare.
“Intel has one of the most valuable brands in the world, and we intend to grow the value of our brand as we evolve the company,” said Eric Kim, Intel senior vice president and general manager of the Sales and Marketing Group. “This evolution will allow Intel to be better recognized for our contributions, establish a stronger emotional connection with our audiences, and strengthen our overall position in the marketplace.”
The new brand identity involves changes to the widely recognized Intel Inside® logo that was created in 1991, and the original Intel “dropped-e” logo, which was created by Silicon Valley pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore 37 years ago as they were forming their new “integrated electronics” company. Intel’s new logo combines the essence of both of these powerful symbols, building on Intel’s rich heritage, yet also signaling the new direction the company is headed today. It also includes a new tagline: “Intel. Leap ahead™.” This tagline is Intel’s unique brand promise and is designed to communicate what drives Intel as a company, and what Intel makes possible.
“‘Intel. Leap ahead.’ is a simple expression that declares who we are and what we do,” said Kim. “This is part of our heritage. Our mission at Intel has always been to find and drive the next leap ahead – in technology, in education, social responsibility, manufacturing and more – to continuously challenge the status quo. It’s about using Intel technology to make life better, richer and more convenient for everyone.
A renunţat Intel la vechiul logo, dar a introdus un swirl (de la sticker-ul “Intel inside“) în jurul logotipului nou deşi sunt deja prea multe astfel de swirl-uri şi swoosh-uri în lume. Motivul bănuiesc a fost acela de a păstra logo-ul familiar, ceea ce din punct de vedere strategic a fost o decizie înţeleaptă. Per ansamblu rebrandingul e bine gândit (în spate stă FutureBrand), ceea ce era şi de aşteptat pentru o asemenea corporaţie. Să vedem cum va continua procesul de comunicare.